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About Me

It all started in Bali...

Embark with me on a journey that traces its origins to the enchanting landscapes of Bali...


My journey with jewelry began during the vibrant tapestry of my early twenties, when I traversed the globe, soaking in the kaleidoscope of cultures. Asia, in particular, ignited a flame within me, with its array of colors and the exquisite craftsmanship of handmade artistry. Among the myriad destinations, Bali emerged as a revelation. The island's vibrant culture and the timeless craft of its artisans beckoned me to stay.


In Bali, traditions are not merely preserved but woven into the very fabric of daily life, passed down through generations with reverence and care. Here, I found myself entranced by the ancient carving techniques and the meticulous craftsmanship of the local artisans. Guided by their expertise and inspired by the island's spirit, I was initiated into the intricate native metalwork techniques unique to Bali.


Ozay’s jewelry is uniquely hand-crafted and individually sculpted. Each design embodies the heart and soul of the ancient culture of Bali and expresses the veneration and respect for the primitive beauty of nature. Ozay’s designs are infused with a passion that can be felt.


While my journey began amidst the lush landscapes of Bali, it continues to evolve and unfold in the quaint town of Chemainus, where each piece is lovingly handcrafted. Rooted in the memories of cherished encounters and the timeless allure of the island, Ozay's designs remain a celebration of the places, people, and beauty that have left an indelible mark on my soul.

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Jewelry is like a biography.
A story that tells the many chapters of our life.

Gem Hunt

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